WWW6: W3C general status

leading the evolution of the World Wide Web:

the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) controls the evolution of the Web while it ensures its interoperability. it provides the following to the Web community:

today, the W3C has 163 members, 84 in the united states, 62 in europe and 17 in asia.
currently the W3C employes 15 people at the M.I.T in the U.S. and 15 people at INRIA in france.
activities are divided into three domains:

  1. architecture ("machine to machine"): HTTP & URL, XML, objects on the Web
  2. user interface ("people to machine"): HTML, CSS, graphics and 3D, internationalization
  3. technology & society ("people to people"): accessibility, digital signature, security, electronic commerce, public policy

to the WWW6 trip report main document

w3c_status.html / 18-apr-1997 (ra) / reto ambühler
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