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Trip Report WWW2002
Web Content Accessibility Workshop
May 7 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii

  1. Introduction
  2. A-prompt presentation
  3. LIFT presentation
  4. blackboard presentation
  5. presentation of e-government activities in denmark
  6. discussion
  7. dublin core metadata presentation
  8. EARL presentation
  9. link collection

1. Introduction:

attendees introduce themselves, there are people from USA, canada, australia, korea, denmark etc.

people from different areas work on the same issues sometimes even without noticing it. e.g. device independency has many common issues with accessibility.

different guidelines all over the world need to be harmonized to avoid fragmentation.
why are there different guidelines ? are the WAI guidelines not clear enough ?

judy brewer introduces the WAI

the US government modified the WAI guidelines and turned them into their own set of rules. in addition, large companies such as IBM or Microsoft have developed their own guidelines, so now there are now many different recommendations around. the software industry responded to that by slowing down their development related to accessibility. that's why the W3C talks now a lot about harmonization.

WAI V1.0 is the current version. V2.0 is under consideration, but V1.0 will still be the current version for quite a while.

the current W3C evaluation procedures are based on similar ideas as our poster presentation "measuring accessibility" at WWW8 in toronto: analyze web pages with a selection of browsers and check for some particular properties, such as screen size, usefulness with images turned off etc.

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2. A-prompt presentation:

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3. LIFT presentation:

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4. blackboard presentation:

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5. presentation of e-government activities in denmark:

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6. discussion:

Content Management Systems (CMS) need to be accessibility approved - and they itself need to be accessible.

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7. dublin core metadata presentation:

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8. EARL presentation:

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9. link collection:

  1. WAI homepage: www.w3.org/WAI/
  2. poster presentation at WWW8: "measuring accessibility"
  3. A-prompt: www.aprompt.ca
  4. LIFT: www.usablenet.com
  5. blackboard: access.blackboard.com
  6. webaim: www.webaim.org
  7. dublin core: dublincore.org
  8. EARL: www.w3.org/WAI/ER/#eral
  9. EARL presentation: www.w3.org/2002/Talks/0507-wf7/
  10. Section 508: www.access-board.gov/news/508-final.htm

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