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trip report from the ninth World Wide Web conference in amsterdam, the netherlands

thursday 18-may-2000: third day

home - keynote: "Cyberspace's Constitution" - W3C track: DOM - W3C track: CSS - W3C track: XSL and XSLT

keynote speaker lawrence lessig, harvard law school "Cyberspace's Constitution":

lawrence lessig started with a quote he heard recently at another conference:
"keep the government out - and provide a platform for patents"

The basic idea of the Internet was e2e (end-to-end) and the network in-between was dumb and had no control over the applications. But today, the network operators try to gain control over which applications run. lawrence lessig warned that private companies will control the Internet soon if we continue to let the big network operators play their games. he thinks that the government needs at least some control to insure free access to all applications for everyone. it was an entertaining but yet frightening talk and i'm afraid he could be right one day ...

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W3C track: Document Object Model (DOM):

the Document Object Model is a standards API to access and manipulate the content of documents. it provides:

intended for: HTML, CSS, scripting and XML

DOM level 1 covers navigation and manipulation of structure and content of a document:

DOM level 2 addresses:

DOM implementations are available in Java, ECMAScript, C, C++, PLSQL, COM, Perl, Python, Delphin etc.

DOM level 3 should support:

future levels may support:

extensions of DOM are MathML, SVG, SMIL animation

this talk is available on the Web

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W3C track: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS):

basic idea: separate structure and style from content. this will:

today, the major browsers support up to 99% of CSS1. authors can rely on CSS1 by the end of the year 2000. style sheets provide not only a convenient means for authors to apply designs (or styles) to documents, but also enable users to apply their own styles in order to support their preferences.

from CSS2 to CSS3: modularized to make it smaller and add new features:

modularization will reduce the size of CSS, but some modules may depend on other modules. there will also be media specific modules. see the CSS section of the W3C website for details.

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W3C track: XSL and XSLT

XSL stands for eXtensible Stylesheet Language, a means to

during the first step of the formatting process, the document source (XML) will be combined with XSL through a transformation engine. in a second step, the output of step one will be processed by a formatter, the result is the formatted document.

XSLT is a transformation language, it is based on

XSLT uses XPath which in turn uses FO.

this is a simple example:

<xsl:template match="Title">

XSL usage:

XSL may be used on the server-side or on the client- side but it is not intended to send FOs over the wire. it is supported by 4XSLT, IE5, iXSLT, LotusXSL and many more. XSL is not intended to replace CSS but provides functionality beyond that of CSS (CSS is simpler to learn and use). both are based on formatting models and properties and values. features that are available in XSL, but not in CSS include:

status: XSL 1.0 will become a W3C recommendation soon, see working draft for details.

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production note:

this trip report was written on a Vadem Clio C-1050 running Windows CE with Pocket Word. It was then transferred to a DELL Latitude notebook and modified as needed. this document is supposed to be HTML V4.0 compliant.

3rd_day.html / 7-jun-2000 (ra) /
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reto ambühler