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trip report from the ninth World Wide Web conference in amsterdam, the netherlands

tuesday 16-may-2000: first day

home - opening session - keynote: "making the Internet mobile for everybody" - W3C track: future of the Web - W3C track: Web accessibility & device independence - keynote: "the spirit of the WWW in the corporate Intranet" - W3C track: building a "Web of Trust"

opening session:

opening session with pauline krikke, vice-mayor for economic affairs and employment, greater amsterdam, had to be cancelled due to a tragedy in her family.

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keynote speaker egbert-jan sol, Ericsson Telecommunicatie BV
"making the Internet mobile for everybody":

egbert-jan sol explained that the wireless telephony is a huge database: it knows who is where. with wired telephony, you have to ask: "is bill there ?", whereas with mobile telephony, you may ask: "can you talk right now ?". he believes this is the main reason for the huge success of the mobile telephony. according to his numbers, the success is indeed huge: last year, the industry sold 100 million PCs, but 275 million mobile phones.

each new technology spreads faster than previous technologies. examples of time frames until a 50 million users penetration of emerging technologies were reached:

the future success of the mobile telephony will be fueled by much higher bandwidth:

egbert-jan sol believes, in 2005 we will have 5 Mbps committed bandwidth in every household, which will be enough to support personalized TV. in his vision, these are the steps in the evolution of the mobile communication:

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W3C track: future of the Web:

this presentation is available on the Web.

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W3C track: Web accessibility & device independence:

judy brewer gave an overview of the achievements of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) and their WAI guidelines.

two of the main issues that are common between accessibility and device independency are:

  1. independency: less assumptions on the device's and user's capabilities
  2. redundancy: provide alternate content and methods of access

common functional requirements include:

principles of accessible design:

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keynote speaker m. graeber jordan, GJordan.com LLC
"the spirit of the WWW in the corporate Intranet":

the speaker believes, these are the major reasons for the tremendous success of the World Wide Web:

m. graeber jordan helped to set up the Intranet at Boeing, one of the largest Intranet sites in the world. inside their firewall, there are about 2200 websites with 1'400'000 documents indexed by the internal search engine, the same order of magnitude as our own webspace (there are approximately 700 websites and about 1'000'000 documents within ethz.ch and the associated institutes).
today, the Web at Boeing is so fundamental, if the Web would stop, the production would stop. also the world wide collaboration of the international space station is based on the Web.
Boeing sells spare parts for about USD 1 mio per day over the Web. since they started to use web-based education, they safe about USD 8 mio per year because they have no longer to produce video tapes for training.

if a large company wants to use the Web for internal communication, it is important to find the right organizational structure to support this project. at Boeing, they broke the corporation into building blocks and to each block, they assign a person to be responsible for that block. in addition, they identified the business critical blocks which needed special attention.

a major concern within the top management was control. the Web has the reputation of being a chaotic place. one has to find the right balance between

the keys to a successful implementation are:

note: IT shall be responsible for providing a reliable infrastructure (24x7), but NOT for content !

it is important to recognize that the Web is a tool, not a product. the future strategy for success with the Web is: stay loose !

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W3C track: Building a "Web of Trust":

XML signatures shall become a proposed standard in june 2000.

the platform for privacy preferences project (P3P) offers an easy way for websites to store and communicate privacy policies in a machine readable way based on XML. these are the steps required to implement P3P:

  1. formulate a privacy policy
  2. translate it into P3P format
  3. put it on the website (multiple policies are possible)
  4. associate policy or policies with objects

what does a P3P policy say ?

P3P should become a candidate recommendation soon, see http://www.w3c.org/p3p/ for details.

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production note:

this trip report was written on a Vadem Clio C-1050 running Windows CE with Pocket Word. It was then transferred to a DELL Latitude notebook and modified as needed. this document is supposed to be HTML V4.0 compliant.

1st_day.html / 8-jun-2000 (ra) /
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reto ambühler