Grouping Related UI Elements

Element frame allows the form designer to group logically related UI elements, e.g., a group of radio buttons together.

Element frame allows authors to group related form fields into captioned groups. On a graphics display, these would be shown with a line (groove) around the group with the caption in a break in the top line. This is a common feature of many Mac and Windows dialog boxes.

A speech-centric browser would produce a meaningful utterance built out of the caption text and the state of the buttons in the group to provide spoken feedback whenever focus enters or leaves the group.

Definition Of Element Frame

The syntax for such groups is still in question. One idea is to use a frame element, another idea is to subclass the DIV element. for example:
<FRAME><CAPTION>the caption</CAPTION>...</FRAME>
In both uses, the caption element is optional; Here is a formal definition of element frame:
<!ELEMENT frame - - (caption?, bodytext)>
    <!ATTLIST frame %attrs; -- id, class, lang -->
Last modified: Fri Sep 1 10:31:38 1995