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Trip Report WWW2004

W3C and the mobil web

there were approximately 50 attendees.

overview of web mobile standards:

what's different about mobile ?

W3C work with mobiles:

today's challenges:

see www.w3.org/2001/di/ for details.

device independent web:

requirements to achive device independence:

content selection:

pagination and navigation:

content negotiation:

Composite Capability / Preference Profiles (CC/PP):
general framework for user agents to describe the device characteristics, context, user preferences / constraints.
consists of 4 elements:

  1. structure
  2. vocabulary
  3. transport protocol
  4. processing rules

structure: CC/PP 1.0 a W3C recommendation based on RDF, now working on the other areas, such as

question from the floor: will CC/PP adapted to reflect the latest version of RDF ?
answer: with the next review of CC/PP

question from the floor: will CC/PP be modular enough so that it can handle hardware extensions.
answer: CC/PP is flexible enough to handle HW changes.

question from the floor: what is the collaboration between the device independence working group (DI-WG) and the web accessibility initiative working group (WAI-WG) ?
answer: we are working together, join each others meetings etc

see www.w3.org/Mobile/CCPP/ for details.

SVG 1.2 and mobile:

what is SVG ?

about the rendering model:

about rendering graphics:

SVG mobile:

new features with SVG 1.2:

see www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/ for details.

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w3c_mobile-web.html / 25-may-2004 (ra) / reto ambühler